
RC ADVENTURES - Tiny Jet Boats Racing - PT 2 of 2 - MAiN EVENT - CREEK RACES! NQD "Tear Into" Boats

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Click to Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/JOovvU - PART 2 - MAiN EVENT! What a beautiful spring day for some AWESOME RC Boating! This was our first time out as a group at this location. Luke and I arrived early in the morning with Chris and Todd. Straight away we started setting up the gates, and working out two courses. This race was hosted by "OneTooManyRC's" (Luke), who has gone out of his way to bring RC people together in Calgary! Check out OneTooManyRC LEDS: https://www.facebook.com/OneTooManyRCs - I was invited to document todays fun, and take part in the setup of the two courses.

I have had some jet boating experience in the previous years and I know how these little jet boats operate. Its not like the standard external prop boat, where as a spinning prop is exposed to hitting rocks. This little boat works on a different principal - Sucking in water from a bottom hull port, to shoot through a prop and tube jet setup. The directional "jet" moves the boat forward, left, and right.

These boats are not originally out of the box "awesome". They are actually a "toy" based, much slower version. Certain upgrades must be made such as the steering servo, esc, and brushless motor.

The "NQD Tear Into water jet RC boat" comes stock with a brushed system and is truly a "Toy" grade boat. Upgrades must be done to really have a powerful, and more fun boat. Expect to pay about $100 to get the stock boat, and sink another $200 or more into it - depending on your upgrades, and needs.

A standard upgrade is a 60amp esc, 2750kv brushless motor, and Waterproof servo. Also, a Skid plate is required, with a nose guard. Both will be made by the owner, as none are available yet for after market!

In this video we all converge together.. just before the races begin! Practice, Practice, Practice.. we all need it.. as THiS iS OUR FiRST EVER JET BOAT EVENT! Really cool.. and we hope it inspires you to get outside and have fun with the RC hobby.

A special thanks to Chris Rappel from CWRRC (https://www.youtube.com/user/CWR2011RC) who helped me get some great shots from this race! I appreciated the help, so I could go out and drive a boat too!

PART 1 is Available for viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0x1oll1TiI

RC ADVENTURES™/ RCSparks Studio™ © 2016 Medic Media Productions Inc.. All rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film by any means whatsoever - including without limitation electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, or re-uploading existing videos & re-uploading such material on any website anywhere in the world — is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Medic Media Productions Inc. Please note that the RCSparks Studio does not sell RC Products. The RCSparks Studio an independent promotor of a great hobby! I am not directly affiliated with any of the vendors or manufacturers in this video. The RCSparks Studio is not liable for any damage or loss through the use of products or techniques shown - Use at your own risk! This film and the RC ADVENTURES film series broadcast on YouTube is intended for entertainment purposes only.
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