
RC ADVENTURES - Learning To Drift: Part 7 - Incl: Heli's, Quad Copters&FUN With Radio Control!

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706 Zobrazení
T-SHIRTS, Hoodies&Hats: rcsparks.spreadshirt.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com FACEBOOK APP:apps.facebook.com RCSparks STUDIO: www.RCSparks.com RC FORUMS www.rcsparks.com RC BLOG: www.rcsparks.com RC Photo Gallery: www.rcsparks.com CREATED BY: djmedic2008: youtube.com Mepic Nation Fan Channel: youtube.com The hobby is expansive, and in this video - my target was to show how to use MULTIPLE RC's to demonstrate how there is little limitation to imagination, mechanical ingenuity, and fun with friends. Utilizing multiple Drift Cars, a Helicopter, and an Eflite MQX Quad copter - this film shows how you can have fun with your friends Anytime of the year! My Friends Crawler Ted, Kam, and Brian help me show off some amazing technology - and provide as much entertainment as we could muster for you guys on camera! Amazing how much work goes into a short 11 minute video like this.. but worth every second if even a few of you get to discover some new and exciting ways to have fun!
On road

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