
RC ADVENTURES - Learning To Drift: Part 3 - STiLL NEWBiES

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T-SHIRTS, Hoodies&Hats: rcsparks.spreadshirt.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com FACEBOOK APP:apps.facebook.com RCSparks STUDIO: www.RCSparks.com RC FORUMS www.rcsparks.com RC BLOG: www.rcsparks.com RC Photo Gallery: www.rcsparks.com CREATED BY: djmedic2008: youtube.com Mepic Nation Fan Channel: youtube.com Brian and I are BRANNND new to drifting.. DIALing in our Cars.. so they perform the way would like them to. BUT.. though I could wait in filming my adventures until I am a pro, I feel as though I would be doing a dis-service to my viewers, and they wouldn't be able to see how learning to drift truly is. So, let me continue to embarrass myself in showing you how I am learning for the world to see! MUSiC BY: KICK IT Recordings: Check them out here: www.kickitrecordings.com Mixed by Sneaker&the Dryer - Contact here: sneakerandthedryer.podbean.com soundcloud.com TRACKS USED for the MIX: Kwerk "Don't Stop" Farace "People's House" Sneaker&The Dryer Remix Kwerk "Please Don't" Sneaker&The Dryer Remix Used with Express PERMISSIONS from Kick It Recordings.
On road

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