
RC ADVENTURES - Learning To Drift: Part 6 - SOME Skillz.. Linking, Figure 8, Tight Circles

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T-SHIRTS, Hoodies&Hats: rcsparks.spreadshirt.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com FACEBOOK APP:apps.facebook.com RCSparks STUDIO: www.RCSparks.com RC FORUMS www.rcsparks.com RC BLOG: www.rcsparks.com RC Photo Gallery: www.rcsparks.com CREATED BY: djmedic2008: youtube.com Mepic Nation Fan Channel: youtube.com Today I unveil my new NISSAN GT-R BODY. What Do you think? Brian, Ted and I start challenging our skills by drifting our first Figure eight. Not as easy as some may seem.. but our skills are starting to progress slowly. Our control is beginning to take shape as we are now able to avoid each other (for the most part) and we are able to get a handle of the sway characteristics of our individual cars. I have upgraded my servo to a Hitec 7955TH High Speed, High Torque Servo, and added a light kit. Also, I have added 1OZ of lead to the front nose of my HPI Sprint 2 Flux. I have a look at my wheels on camera at the end of the film.. so you can see my wear patterns... This is basically so you guys (who have been following) can see what kind of surface area I have been able to get with my wheel settings. Brians Blue car.. has NO locked Differentials, while mine has bother Front and Rear Diff, completely seized. Teds.. I think has the Rear locked. a great overview of the type of styles for all to enjoy. What do you think? I know we are getting better.. and look forward to episode 7 of this series.. !
On road

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