
RC ADVENTURES - Drifting, Mud, Trucks&Racing! Rude Boyz RC Club&Fab Shop

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802 Zobrazení
T-SHIRTS, Hoodies&Hats: rcsparks.spreadshirt.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com FACEBOOK APP: apps.facebook.com RCSparks STUDIO: www.RCSparks.com RC FORUMS www.rcsparks.com RC BLOG: www.rcsparks.com RC Photo Gallery: www.rcsparks.com CREATED BY: djmedic2008: youtube.com Mepic Nation Fan Channel: youtube.com SUBSCRIBE! Do it NOW! 3,2,1 SUBSCRIBE! I love a great spring night, RC'ing with the gang.. just hanging out.. and having fun.. isnt that what this hobby is all about? Simply having a good time and chillin' with your bro's. This is a candid look of a Sunday night at Krazy Joes - Leader of the Rude Boyz Club and Fabrication shop. These folks have been putting on a show for the RCSparks Studio for quite some time now, and today was no different! Drifters Racers, Trucks, Mud, Jumping, Trailing, Racing.. you name it.. it happens in this video! Enjoy my friends! Look Me up on the Google+ Network!! plus.google.com
On road

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