
RC ADVENTURES - DRiFT MiSSiON - Learning To Drift - Part 10 - 20 Cars - Prodigy D RC Drift Club

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www.RCSparks.com - HiGH PERFORMANCE 1080p HD - The "Prodigy D" RC Drift Club is located in Calgary Alberta, Canada. Recently, the RCSparks Studio&RC ADVENTURES was given an invitation to come and check out some VERY COOL CARS! Well, we were happy to come down and support this growing grow of hobby enthusiasts, who have a Passion for the RC DRiFT Whips. With over 20 RC Drift cars in this video.. I am CERTAiN you are going to find one that you fall in love with. JEM and I made sure to get get some really cool shots.. of these magnificent RC machines For Specific Information about RC Drifting - Check out the www.DriftMission.com website. There are Many happy and helpful members and a growing community of RC Drift enthusiasts! My friends.. this is LEARNING TO DRiFT PART 10, and I hope you get as much enjoyment out of viewing it, as we did making this film for you. RC ADDiCTS UNiTE! Where I get my RC's www.PMHobbycraft.ca T-SHIRTS&Hoodies! http TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com RCSparks STUDIO: www.RCSparks.com RC FORUMS www.rcsparks.com RC BLOG: www.rcsparks.com RC Photo Gallery: www.rcsparks.com CREATED BY: djmedic2008: youtube.com Editing Clips: www.youtube.com Mepic Nation Fan Channel: youtube.com Subscribe, it's Free! Branding, Media,&Business Inquiries: RCSparks Studio PO Box # 89133 70 High Street Calgary Alberta Canada T2Z 3W3 info@rcsparks.com Please Note: I do NOT Sell RC's
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