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Vloženo před by admin
341 Zobrazení
Make sure you click "WATCH IN HD" at the bottom right of the video player, for amazing High Definition footage of the Baja Doing some dune jumping and hill climbs at the Surrey sand dunes, Norms HPI Baja, looks cool. And to start the HPI Savage FLUX, Go Go Hobbies has their store one out in the parking lot doing flips and jumping 25 feet into their neighbors yard, and that's at half throttle. Watch for a video of that to come out soon Subscribe to see some of the best HD RC trucks and truggies, 4X4's, Stadium Racers and soon more Traxxas Slash heats. Thanks for watching, Ronin Special thanks to Kevin MacLeod Royalty Free Music and CubDestroyer for his original soundtrack during the Baja clips Also check out the WarderSeeker Channel @ www.youtube.com for the best HD RC Aircraft videos on Youtube
Off road

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