
RC ADVENTURES - RACiNG & BASHiNG 1/5th Scale RC TRUCKS - Losi 5T, Baja 5SC, Baja 5T & MORE!

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Vloženo před by admin
747 Zobrazení
http://www.RCSparks.com - 1080p HD to TASTE the DiRT! A day at the track is never complete without a Dust Storm of excitement at this private track - but OH, is it EVER FUN! Fixing our rigs, and Bashing our Rigs, getting out with friends.. and letting the Petrol Burn through out engines.. this is what the RC ADDiCTS LiVE FOR! The Smell of Exhaust and the whine of the engines can be heard for miles.. time to step it up a notch and really GET DiRTY!

T-SHIRTS & Hoodies! http://rcsparks.spreadshirt.com/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/#!/rc_sparks
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/RCSparks.Studio
RC FORUMS: http://www.rcsparks.com/forum/forum.php
RC BLOG: http://www.rcsparks.com/category/blog/
RC Photo Gallery: http://www.rcsparks.com/gallery/


djmedic2008: http://youtube.com/djmedic2008
Editing Clips: http://www.youtube.com/rcadventures
Mepic Nation Fan Channel: http://youtube.com/mepicnation

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Branding, Media, & Business Inquiries:

RCSparks Studio
P.O. Box # 89133
70 High Street
Calgary Alberta
Canada T2Z 3W3 .

RC ADVENTURES™/RCSparks Studio™ © 2013 Medic Media Productions Inc.. All rights reserved. Publication, reproduction or distribution of this film by any means whatsoever - including without limitation electronic transmission via internet or e-mail, or re-uploading existing videos & re-uploading such material on any website anywhere in the world — is strictly prohibited without prior the written consent of Medic Media Productions Inc. Please note that the RCSparks Studio does not sell RC Products. The RCSparks Studio an independent promotor of a great hobby! I am not directly affiliated with any of the vendors or manufacturers in this video. the RCSparks Studio is not liable for any damage or loss through the use of products or techniques shown - Use at your own risk! This film and the RC ADVENTURES film series on YouTube is intended for entertainment purposes only.
Off road

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