
How to convert Rally tires into drift tires

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,729 Zobrazení
You dont have money to buy Drift Tires for your RC Rally car? Dont worry, this little mod will help you and get you drifting in not time at all. Plus its dirt cheap heheheh. Check out the Electric Car drifting on a course hard road with Rally tires that we modded in a minute. Tons of fun. Comments and feedback welcome at ali@redcatracing.com . Don't forget to check www.redcatracing.com , http , www.youtube.com and www.hobby-estore.com Cheers
RC Auta
RC Cars, Car, Electric Brushless, Testing, Testing Ali, alishanmao, New Tape Mod, modified Tires, How to convert, how make, tires make

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