
Headquake's RC - #94 (1/5scale MK1 Escort Rally car) March14 2012

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Vloženo před by admin
965 Zobrazení
Been working on this guy for a couple months. Its a 1/5 scale 1970 Mk1 Ford Escort RS1600 rally car. Finished it up just in time for the roads to dry out after the winter. This is some video i took during its first ride. Works really good and i didn't roll it. Yey. :) Chassis is a stretched out Traxxas Slayer converted to electric with a brushless Mamba monster 2200 set up on 4 cell lipo. Modified SC tires and rims. Spektrum radio and hitec servo. Hand carved and painted wooden body with interior, rollcage and driver. See the build thread at the scalebuildersguild and scale4x4 forums.
Off road
RC, scale, rally, mk1, escort, Headquake

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