
Greg Covey's Ampd- Issue #12: Scale Electric Conversions- F7F Tigercat

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The Kondor Model Products (or KMP) Tigercat was a beautiful fiberglass ARF model of the Grumman F7F Tigercat. Although the kit came with retracts, they were typically discarded due to their weakness. Often the best part about these fiberglass KMP ARFs was the shell itself. By combining this beautiful shell fuselage and sheeted wings with some skilled craftsmanship and new electric technology, the result can be a very special electric scale conversion. Built by Paul Weigand and funded and flown by Ron McGrath, this KMP F7F Tigercat is a beautiful scale replica of the Grumman twin-engine piston fighter.Read the full review/article loading with pictures www.rcuniverse.com www.rcuniverse.com -World's Largest Radio Control Community http -Buy, Sell, and Trade RC www.rcuniverse.com -Read Radio Control online reviews and articles www.rcuvideos.com - Watch Radio Contol Videos http -Discuss Electric Radio Control Aircraft
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