
Flite Test - Uncivil War - CHALLENGE

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Vloženo před by admin
985 Zobrazení
Flite Test - Uncivil War - CHALLENGE In this episode of Flite Test Josh and Josh talk about the Ultra Micro Stryker! This little plane is very fast and very resilient. Watch as Josh Bixler challenges Chris to see who's the better pilot. Watch this episode to see more.
RC Letadla
Flite, Test, Uncivil, War, CHALLENGE, 004Flite, Dynamic, REVIEW, plane, planes, airplanes, Flying, Air, Collection, Helicopter, Jet, Aircraft, Aviation, Airplane, Flight, build, built, scratch, scratchbuilt, scratchbuild, design, model, custom, home, made, diy, Josh, Scott, Bixler, Chad, Kapper, interview, fly, hobby, hobbies, Reviews, Pilot, Parkzone, Stryker, Micro, Ultra

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