
Flite Test - Tail Heavy Plane - FLITE TIP

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Vloženo před by admin
1,175 Zobrazení
Flying a tail heavy plane is a bad idea! RC planes work like a fulcrum, a little weight in the tail equals a lot of weight in terms of CG (Center of Gravity) and balance. So the further back the weight is from the CG the more leverage it will create and the more unbalanced your RC plane will be. In this episode of Flite Test, we put a bunch of weight on the tail of the plane to show the extreme effects of a tail heavy plane. More details and photos in the write up at our website: flitetest.com Links mentioned in this episode: How To Balance Your Plane flitetest.com The Ventus flitetest.com Retractable Landing Gear - Trojan T-28 flitetest.com See more of Dave and the Quick FX series here: youtube.com Special thanks to StoneKap Productions for this episode of Flite Test: www.stonekap.com
RC Letadla

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