Crash of a giant scale folding wing F4U Corsair and Moki

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Brian O'Mearas beautifully built giant scale Composite ARF F4U Corsair with folding wings powered by a Moki 250cc 5 cylinder Radial engine is totally destroyed when a wing folds in flight. Even the engine was destroyed with 4 cracked cylinders. One of the wings did not fully lock in place and after 3 laps this beautiful 110" span Moki powered beauty was gone.
RC Nehody
last, Flight, folding, wing, Corsair, crash, high speed, model vehicles, high rev engine, vehicle, accidents, Brian O'Mearas, giant scale, Composite ARF, F4U Corsair, Moki, 250cc, cylinder, gas, stroke, 110, inch, span, flying, plane, radio control, stunts, crashes, military, aircraft, RC

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