
Aerosky Extra Sports Aerobatic RC Airplane

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bit.ly (Blue) bit.ly (Red) The Extra 330SC is a purpose designed, unlimited aerobatic competition aircraft. It is one of a handful of types capable of competing effectively at international level and one of very few to have achieved a US Federal Aviation Administration Standard Category airworthiness certification. It is the culmination of nearly twenty years of design and construction technique development by its designer, Walter Extra. Extra 330SC can perform aerobatic maneuvers with ease. This plane is designed with latest foam technology and features an awesome power to weight ratio with excellent wing loading to excel in 3D maneuvers. Durable and fast, this plane can do 3D flying and will shine in precise aerobatics. Great for everyday flying and even practicing your IMAC routines, you will not want to miss this one.
RC Letadla

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