
Yokomo Drift Package Nissan ORC Z33 - Kodomono Shiro II

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Vloženo před by admin
981 Zobrazení
My second trip to Kodomono Shiro (Children's castle) in Tobe, Ehime, Japan. It is the place to be on Tuesday morning, when there are no children and actually nobody but me... My first ride with my new car, Lots of fun and frickin cold....! Music is by me。Just something I threw together for the video :)
On road
Yokomo Nissan ORC Z33, Fairlady Z, Nissan, Yokomo, Radio control, Drifting, RC Drifting, Children's castle, Ehime, Japan, Matsuyama, Tobe, MSP dawgs, Matsuyama scoundrel pound, Awesome, cool, Yellow, gopro HD Hero 2, Great, MSP, 松山、えひめこどもの城、ドリフト、らじこん、よこも

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