WHY THE HELL DIDN'T TAMIYA MAKE THIS RC? Finishing Sierra RS Cosworth Project + MORE!

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Vloženo před by admin
77 Zobrazení
It was an icon in its day, yet Tamiya never released an RC Sierra RS Cosworth. It's a strange one as Tamiya had the license and released a model kit version but never a 1/10th RC. Kyosho released a version back in the day and you never know, will we ever see a rerelease from them? One thing is for sure, it would be a popular one for all the vintage RC fans. Until that day you can still build your own one thanks to after-market offerings and a chassis of your choice. In this video, I finish off the body set as well as cover one or two other projects on the go at RCKicks.

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#Tamiya #RCKICKS #SierraRSCosworth
On road

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