
Vario RC Airwolf Helicopter W/JetCat PHT3 Turbine 1st Flight!

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969 Zobrazení
After a dozen or so short hovers to adjust the V-Bar Pro flybarless hardware this is the first "real" flight of a Vario RC scale Airwolf heli powered by a JetCat PHT3 turbine. The heli is a custom build by Taylor Drain (TaylorMadeHelicopters.com) and it took about 6 months to build. The machine gun pods move in and out and the rocket launcher on the bottom will actually fire three .22 caliber blanks! Many thanks to Jonathan at Ultimate Hobbies in Orange, CA for helping me with the V-Bar set-up that got this thing flying the way it was meant to fly! Don't ask how much it cost...
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