Tutorial: Landing Heavy EDF RC Jets w/ Freewing F-14, LVC Crash Landing

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I took up my Freewing F-14 80mm using the afterburner units from Larry via https://fiftytwoeightyrc.com and got some nice relaxed flying in, even with a random fellow chatting with me.

Toward the end, I made the fatal mistake of not listening to my voltage callouts and went up knowing that I should've accepted the harder landing at 21:05. As a result, I predictably lost control, stalled, and slammed into the ground. This broke the fuselage at two points - right behind the metal plates of the wings and right at the front where the nose connects to the fuselage, along with destroying the nose gear mount. I could have repaired it but I'd rather be safe with something that weighs 14 pounds and flies overhead, so I've ordered $300 of replacement parts to get back up into the air again.

This is a tutorial on both what to do and what NOT to do. Don't ignore your voltage callouts trying to chase a perfect landing. Better to take a jet home with a less than perfect landing than it is to take a broken jet home that needs serious repairs.

Pick up your own 5280 TrueFire afterburners via https://fiftytwoeightyrc.com/products/freewing-f14-twin-80mm-truefire-led-afterburner

0:00 Intro
1:24 2x4000 50c Takeoff
2:27 FCS Mixing Adjustment Necessary
3:05 Wing Sweep Pass
3:45 Low Speed Flyby
4:04 Go-around
4:45 T&G
5:35 T&G 2
6:20 Landing w/ Spoilers
7:12 Thoughts
7:48 Spoilers
8:12 Preflight
8:33 2x 5200 Zeee 50c Takeoff
9:40 Wing Sweep Pass
10:30 Visitor
11:30 Flat Spin
12:02 Inverted
12:20 High Speed Pass
12:46 Landing
13:52 2x 5200 Zeee 100c Takeoff
15:22 Landing Tutorial Section
16:16 T&G 3, Advice
16:52 T&G 4, Advice
17:31 T&G 5, Advice
18:33 T&G 6
19:20 T&G 7
20:12 T&G 8, Advice
20:49 Foreshadowing
21:05 T&G 9 - Should Have Stopped Here
21:24 Low Voltage Cutoff, Stall, Crash
21:55 Aftermath, Thoughts

Freewing F-14 Tomcat, Freewing, 80mm EDF, EDF Jets, Motion RC, Grumman F-14 Tomcat, the rc geek, freewing f-14, freewing tomcat, fast rc jets, super scale jets, 80mm edf jet, radio control, variable-sweep wing, rc airplanes landing, rc plane, rc planes, Tutorial: Landing Heavy EDF Jets w/ Bonus "Listen to Voltage Callouts" Crash Landing, learn to fly f14
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