
Turbo Fan RC

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788 Zobrazení
This is my latest engine design, a 52 pound thrust true turbo fan. I needed a test bed to test out my new engine so myself and a hand full of merit research student's scratch built this aircraft. Although the turbofan is too big for this airframe it got the engine in the air. The engine has been de tuned to 30 pounds of thrust to stop the aircraft from ground looping, due to the engine being mounted so high up on the airframe this makes the tail of the aircraft want to raise up before the nose comes up. The engine is 4:1 bypass ratio, giving an additional 40% thrust over a conventional turbo jet. This may have some application for UAV's( Unmanned aircraft), or full sized gliders. I am thinking of a small one man aircraft with two of these engines on it, we'll see. For more info you can email me at DualspoolTF@gmail.com I hope you enjoy the video. Special thanks to Arshie, Morgan, Claire, Julia, Mitchell, Geoff, Greg and Miriam for helping to build the aircraft, and Tanner for the great job on the video
RC Stíhačky

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