
Traxxas Summit Bash Race Crawling

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
722 Zobrazení
We take our brand new Traxxas Summit out for a tour around the back yard for a bash. We show you this hybrid olling over logs, handling gravel, long grass and hills. This thing is a beast! First Make Sure You Subscribe To Our Channel Here-Its Free and you'll get updates when we upload new videos like this one: www.youtube.com If You Have Specific Questions, Our Free RC Forum Is The Best Place To Get Them Answered, Its hard to keep up with comments: www.rcnightmare.com Some Of Our Popular Playlists You Should Enjoy: Running Bashing Playlist: www.youtube.com Nitro Rebuild Videos: www.youtube.comElectric Shortcourse Truck Unboxings: www.youtube.com RC Buggy Unboxings: www.youtube.com RC Monster Truck www.youtube.com Traxxas Slash Tutorials: www.youtube.com RC Battery Tutorials: www.youtube.com
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