
Traxxas SPARTAN Vs. KING OF SHAVES Venom - RC boats drag race

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,158 Zobrazení
RC boats drag race between traxxas SPARTAN with 3 cell lipo batteries and KING OF SHAVES from venom with 4 cell lipo,,, amazing how fast the SPARTAN
RC Vodní
amazing how fast the SPARTAN, Two, Miss, Geico, boats, racing, and, CRASH, RC, Boat, proboat, Speed, Electric boat, Twin motor boat, remote controlled boat, Traxxas, traxxas rc boats, Venom, Venom King of shaves, ekos, bu Fatima, Miss Geico, Hydro, 3 cell, cell, Emirates, speed control, ESC, fishing rc boat, fishing, spektrum, Nitro, Gasoline, flip boat, high speed, radio control, gopro, Hero

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