
Traxxas Ken Block | Gymkhana Fiesta RC Rally - Drifting and Action

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
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FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com WebSite: www.darkdragonwing.com Check out our new 1/16 Traxxas Ken Block Gymkhana Fiesta video :) It is a 1/16 scale rc rally, It does drift a little bit when I drive it at a nice smooth surface road but other then that the tires grip the road pretty good. That makes it a rally car. I think you can buy a drift tires too if you really want to drift. Well, sit back and enjoy guys. Please feel free to comment or ask :) I read every comment that you post or share. Thanks again. [รถบังคับ แม็กกี้ แมนนี้] [Darkdargonwing] [Manny and Mackey] [Traxxas] [Ken Block] [Ninja RC]
Off road

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