
Traxxas Bandit XL-5 RTR buggy Review

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
662 Zobrazení
Brought to you by UltimateRC.com&http My independent review of the Traxxas Bandit XL-5 ready to run 2WD RC buggy in brushed form. Includes both track and open field driving footage, closeups of major chassis features, real-world durability testing, and my thoughts on the performance and value of the vehicle on the whole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST! Please note that numbered comments such as (but not limited to) "First" and "2nd" and "under 300 views" are deleted on sight. Consider this a courtesy! The entire world deeply despises these pointless, wasted posts, and when I don't delete them myself, they receive deeply vile responses from the viewing public, usually laced with profanity and deep-cutting personal insults. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Responses to Frequently Asked Questions: Q: I'm looking at a video of [a product], but you also have [another product]. Will you use [the other product]? A: Yep! Q: I'm looking at an unboxing/running video of [a product], which you bought to review. Will you review it? A: Of course I will, silly! Do ya think I bought it just to look at it? Can't do a review without running it! Q: When will you publish the [product]'s [unboxing/running/review] video? A: After [unboxing/running/reviewing] the [product]. Q: When will that be? A: When it is. Q: Why don't you review [insert random product name here]? A: Potential reasons may include, 1 ...
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