
SKILL Concept - Project 7

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Vloženo před by admin
999 Zobrazení
I tried to do vortex drift which Drift44 has done so well. mine wasn't so tight, but still... I'm happy with it. Also I went back and tried to drift along the wall. This time the surface wasn't smooth at all but my tires (recommended by Drift 44) did very well. I hope you will enjoy this video and push that like button. To stay up to date with my new videos, please subscribe! My big thank you goes to Drift44 and all the Drifters at our SKILL Concept family. Also Studiosoundwave for his awesome designs and a big long howl to all at MSPDawgS. You can find me on: www.facebook.com Thank you
On road
Drifting, RC Drifting, Yokomo Nissan X33 1/10, Skill Concept, Drift44's Drift Skill concept, Drift44, Drift 66, Drift69, Drift77, Drift88, Drift99, MSP, Matsuyama Scoundrel Pound, mspdawgs, Cool, Crazy, Fun. Amazing

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