
Seatown Drifters 1/10 rc drift club 2012 rough cut (Now, Raincity Raji Kon)

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Update - we've rebranded! Raincity Raji Kon - bringing 1/10th scale drifting passion back to the NW! Find us at www.facebook.com/RaincityRajiKon 1/10th scale RC drifting in the Seattle area. We're a laid back club, and always recruiting drifters in the 425/206. Friend us on FB to get in on the bi-weekly drift sessions. Nissan and Pagani are OTA-R31, roughly 50% and 65% countersteer Music by Dabo Video by GoPro
On road
1/10 RC drift, drifting, ota-r31, cup racer, countersteer, CS drift, polished concrete, Nissan, t-drift, yokomo

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