
RedCat Rampage XB 1/5th Scale Gasoline Buggy

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,010 Zobrazení
Check out the new 1/5 scale Lightweight RedCat 30cc Gasoline Buggy in bashing action finally. This time these RedCats are lighter, faster and more powerful. Better performance with all that reduced weight and modified new parts and totally new design. More videos and no promo bashing videos will be available soon at my channel. Comments and feedback welcome at alishanmao@gmail.com or ali@redcatracing.com Don't forget to check www.redcatracing.com http www.rctoyhouse.com and http
Off road
RC Buggy, RC buggies, RC Big Scale Buggy, RC 1/5 scale Gasoline Buggy, 30cc 1/5 scale Gasoline buggy, New Rampage, New redcat Rampage, RC Off road buggy, Ali, alishanmao, 30cc Gasoline engine, New RC 30cc Gasser buggy, bashing 30cc Gasoline buggy

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