Red Cat Racing Tornado BB

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
485 Zobrazení
Clips compiled of my redcatracing 1/10th tornado bb Nitro R/C buggy 4X4. Sorry the video is poor, i had a 100mb limit and the video is pretty long. Half way during making the vid the transmission stopped switching gears, so it isn't getting its top speed. Also it was only running 2X4, the front wheel drive cup was loose so it wasn't getting power to the front wheels, i didn't find out until after making the movie. :/ But since the buggy was only getting power to the real wheels i was getting some sick smooth donuts. therebel3 did a lot of GREAT filming and i have to give him most of the credit for filming, and its not that easy filming a little car going over 40mph. And so i drove the buggy a good bit more. Please Rate and leave comments!!!
Off road

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