
RC Tank - Heng Long 1/16 German Tiger I - Basic Model

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Vloženo před by admin
2,095 Zobrazení
OK. I know that this is not what I usually upload, but at $99 for a remote controlled tank I could not pass up the bargain. It's a hang long tank. However, I did think that it had sound and smoke, but these are extra addons. You can also get metal tracks to further upgrade this tank. It also fires BB bullets. We shot at the shed 10 meters away and it could have easily doubled that. I will be adding weathering and the accessories that came with it to stop it looking like a plastic model. As for the model in general, as a straight out of the box model, its pretty good! It's easy to drive, as my 9 year old son did the movements on the tank in this video.
RC Tanky
remote, control, r/c, tank, heng, long, german, tiger, model

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