
RC Tank Forum Hungary - HMFest 2o15 - RC Tank Battle [ GoPro / FPV ]

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RC Tank Forum Hungary @ HMFest 2o15

Some RC IR Tank Battle with GoPro / FPV.. =)

RC IR Tank Battle performed by: RC Tank Forum Members

Event: HMFest 2o15
Date: 2o15-o6-o6
Location: HMFest 2o15

More information on RC Tank Forum:

Camera / Edit & Cut: Volltreffer88
Music: Girls und Panzer classics by Shirō Hamaguchi

Equipment: GoPro H3 BE + some pretty 1:16 RC tank

* * * * *

Copyright Notice & Credits:

- The video content within these recording are the property of their respective Authors, Creators & Owners.
- The audio content within these recording may have some parts, which are the property of their respective Authors, Creators & Owners: See Music Credit
- We do not profit from making and uploading these recordings, as they are for news reporting, archival, historical educational, and social / forum & event archival purposes only.
- Any third-party contents, trademarks & logos are the property of their respective Owners.
RC Tanky

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