
RC Rescue and Recovery Barge with on board wireless video camera.

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
2,699 Zobrazení
I got tired of waiting for the wind to blow my R/C speed boat in if it quit out in the water and some times the wind wasn't blowing or it was blowing the wrong way (NOT GOOD) so I designed and built the rescue and recovery barge. It weighs 35 lbs and runs about 40 min on a charge. I'm using two 2/5 hp 4400 RPM Sullivan starter motors (used to start large motors on R/C plaines) to power the two 12 inch 3 blade props. It has a SN555 wireless video camera on board with a range of about 3 Kilometers 1.86 miles. (THIS CAMERA IS FANTASTIC) I bought it at Hobbywireless.com Now I can play and not wait for my boat to come back to me.
RC Vodní
R/C boats recovery, on board wireless video camera, radio control boats, electric powered boats, air boatsr/C boats recovery, air boats, rc boats, rc boats R/C boats recovery, rc boats RC boats recovery, RC boats rescue and recovery, RC boats rescue, Air prop powered, Air prop powered boats

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