
RC Racing S3 Episode 1 - IIC Las Vegas 2008 - TC and 12th!!

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Vloženo před by admin
1,062 Zobrazení
Our entire archive is available on www.rcracing.tv This first episode of series 3 saw us making the change to widescreen and our second trip to Las Vegas for the IIC - We've Modified Touring Car and 12th action plus all the usual interviews and general fun!
RC Auta
RC, Racing, Cars, radio control, IFMAR, EFRA, HPI, Hot bodies, Traxxas, Associated, Kyosho, Yokomo, TLR, Savage, Season, Hara, Tamiya, Baja, Masami, Hirosaka, Nitro, Electric, IC, ISTC, 1:10, 1:8, 1:12, 1/10, 1/12, 1/8, off road, on road, schumacher

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