
RC Racing S1 Episode 4 - 2006 IFMAR 1/12th World Championships and Schumacher factory Tour

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1,014 Zobrazení
Our entire archive is available on www.rcracing.tv This episode saw our first ever look at 1 racing, interview multiple world champion David Spashett and have a look around the Schumacher Factory - and we had our first competition, but you can't still enter it :-)
RC Auta
RC, Racing, Cars, radio control, IFMAR, EFRA, HPI, Hot bodies, Traxxas, Associated, Kyosho, Yokomo, TLR, Savage, Season, Hara, Tamiya, Baja, Masami, Hirosaka, Nitro, Electric, IC, ISTC, 1:10, 1:8, 1:12, 1/10, 1/12, 1/8, off road, on road, schumacher

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