RC Plane Slow Flight Comp

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This is a video of my second attempt in the "Slow Flight Competition", held at Swartkops AFB, on Sunday the 25th of September 2011. Aircraft had to be of original design, in other words no parts from an ARF or existing model plane was allowed. Maximum wingspan was set at 1.5m, with a 15 Amp limit on a three cell motor arrangement. Max allowed AUW weight was 2.5Kg, including the payload. The objective of the competition, was to take off with a 355 gram payload (cooldrink) in the shortest possible distance, then enter a 100m course and fly this as slowly as possible, wthout weaving or changing altitude excessively. The event, which drew a large crowd, was a lot of fun, but the wind took its toll on many of the aeroplanes. A sincere word of thanks to my wife, Esti for sponsoring the materials to build my plane, video taping the flying and buying food and drinks to keep us going. I am also very gratefull for the advice&assistance I received from my team mate, Michael Kahl, who helped me to finish my aeroplane in time for the competition. Thanks guys and i hope you enjoy the short video.
RC Letadla

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