
RC Airbus A-380 At Twilight With Custom Scale Lights.

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This is my friend Sergey's tricked out A-380. He has designed, and scratch built, one of the most sophisticated scale light sets I've ever seen. The red lights are blindingly bright, and just watch what the tail lights do.Like a lot of light kitsthe landing lights with the gear switch, but that's not the unique part.. What ist 100% unique, and sets this kit apart, is a feature that disables the lights until the throttle is moved forward. This keeps from draining the battery when the plane is idle and the lights are not needed. Very well thought out design, and manufacture, with stellar results... But, that's not all.... This is also happens to be the quietest 4 engine edf jets you'll ever "not" hear. This is effectuated by a meticulous, time consuming, and painstaking process (The "Arnold" process. after its inventor) ) of moving the fans, fractions of an inch at a time, in order to find their "purrfect spot on the hub. This end reult is much greater performance from the engines, significant vibration reduction, and coolest of all, is its' much more turbine like sound. You can barely hear the motor, just the "whoosh" of the air.. Thanks for watching Now sit back and enjoy "Air Segey"!!
RC Letadla

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