
RC 1-6th scale Kamaz Dakar Rally Truck in action

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The second body full metal we made for racing type on my Savage - Dakar. There also the hard testing of driver train&cooling fan in off-road condition. Running condition are: sand dune, sand area with low vegetation, hot weather under the sun - 37 deg and in racing period. Visit: www.rchobby365.com for further information. This is a prototype: 1/6th scale. Dimension: LxWxH = 1100x410x500 (mm). Running weight: 17kg. Max speed (w/ 6s Lipo) 60km/h. Max load: 34kg. Now we also start to receive order from you and sell this 100% hand-made production. This type of car (RC 1/6 Rally Dakar truck) included 2 main part: -Customize conversion chassis and driver-train for 1/8th scale HPI Savage Flux HP -Full metal frame and body with painting, vinyl, lighting system (8x 3walt luxeon LED and other) We also start to research for metal body of trial truck, military truck 1/10, 1/8 and 1/6 scale. Don't hesitate to contact us - HORC team for your wish by: - Nick ROID from forum: www.rchobby365.com and www.scale4x4rc.org - My email: kanvin82@gmail.com Thank for attention! Have a nice watching!
Off road
RC, Rally, Dakar, KAMAZ, 1/6th, Scale, 4x4, Savage, Flux, 4s, 6s, Lipo, Giant, Huge, Truck, remote control, big, radio, racing

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