
Radio Control Jet Model Airplane's

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1,688 Zobrazení
Radio Control Jet Model Airplane.Jet Rally hosted by PRINCETON MODEL FLYING CLUB - The Gerard McHale Memorial Jet Rally. They look and sound like the real deal and fly at more than 200 mph.
RC Stíhačky
Radio, Control, Jet, Model, Airplane, large, scale, gas, turbine, inlet, system, kerosene, trainer, fighter, electirc, powered, entry, level, Foam, Electric, Ducted, Fan, jets, EDF, multi-bladed, propeller, impeller, RTF, parkzone, F27C, Stryker, Habu, PNP, BNF, Plug-N-Play, Bind-N-Fly, F-15, eagle, E-Flite, F14, Tomcat, Phoenix, F-16, Simulator, Propeller-powered, F-22, International, rc, world, flight, training, how, to, YOLO, JCV, jcvdude, Travel, tourism, nature, events, Sony, HD, HDRAX2000, HDR-XR550, videographer, Kelowna

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