
Preview of the RCS Bangkok RC track in VRC-PRO

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Vloženo před by admin
977 Zobrazení
Preview for the VRC-PRO version of the RCS track in Bangkok that featured what is generally considered to be the greatest RC race of all time, the 1:10 IFMAR 2008 Touring Car Worlds final which saw Marc Rheinhard take a fantastic first place. The real race footage can be found here, www.youtube.com I am running a slower car than normal as my driving skills are not up the likes of Hara, Volker and Rheinhard as you can no doubt see. The stuttering is due to the screen grab software I am afraid, in game everything is perfectly smooth. For more information about VRC-PRO please visit www.vrcpro.com
RC Auta
IFMAR, 1/10th, Worlds, Bangkok, RC, VRC-PRO, track, thailand, simulation, TCX, race, Touring, Speedway, car, r/c, Racing, Radio, Contol, Cars

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