
New 1/4 Scale MX 400 Off Road Motorcycle

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
2,066 Zobrazení
This full function 1/4 scale MX400 motorcycle comes with one of the most authentic motorcycle action available. It is powerful, lightning-fast, highly durable, user friendly and ready to take on grass, dirt, or any hard-surfaced terrain. Equipped with High Power ESC and 550 Type motor, and with a huge list of upgrades and spare parts readily available, you are looking at your new favorite RC motor cycle for years to come.??? www.nitrorcx.com MX400 can turn 360 degrees, brake and accelerate all in amazing high speed. Highly detailed model with streamline design easily surpass a real motorbike! Everything is assembled and well tuned for you by professionals before you even open the box, and with all the top of the line equipments already installed, you don't have to do a thing to get going fast!
RC Motorky
MX, 400, MX400, mx 400, off, road, off road, off road motorcycle, rc, remote, control, rc motorcycle, brushless motor, electric, electric motorcycle

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