
Neste Oil Rally 2010 - Nitrocross Championship - Friday's final

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Friday's 10 cars final with 72 laps. One of this year's highlights in RC Racing was held in Jyväskylä, Finland 29-31 of July. Its all about a RC Nitro Buggy Race as a supportive event for Neste Oil Rally Finland. Commentator in the event: Scotty Ernst Camera: Janne A Edit: Janne A www.finRC.com
Off road
rc, racing, jumps, jump, 1:8, 8th, scale, buggy, nitro, Off-Road, Jyväskylä, Jyvaskyla, Suomi, Finland, ralli, suurajot, neste, oil, rally, nitrocross, championship, Xray, 808, Mugen, MBX6, LRP, JQ, Products, The, Car, Jose, Joseph, Quagraine, Arto, Ari, Heinonen, Scotty, Ernst, vaasanua, finrc

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