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177 Zobrazení
The fastest, most portable, and most accessible universal remote arm ever.

MotoCrane RADICAL is a revolutionary universal remote arm
designed to create new levels of dynamic camera movement for filmmakers and cinematographers. RADICAL can turn any car, suv, truck, UTV or boat into a powerful filmmaking tool. Featuring newly-developed powertrains for the Swing and Lift axes, RADICAL has enough torque to swing camera packages 360° in less than 6 seconds at vehicle speeds over 90mph/145kmh. With 12 feet of reach, and available 45lbs/20kg payload capacity- RADICAL is optimized for compact cinema packages on the DJI Ronin 2, MoVI Pro, Shotover G1, etc. For off-road applications, available INS 2 Advanced Stabilization adds active gyro stabilization to the arm for maintaining lens height on rough terrain. The system features lightweight, modular construction for travelling anywhere in the world as checked baggage, with each Flight Case weighing less than 70lbs fully loads.

Now available for pre-order at Shipping September, 2021.
On road

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