
Mig-15 Fagot - RC Jet Turbine Power

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1,039 Zobrazení
The CARF MiG-15 is a museum scale model jet. The authentic outline and detailed surface structure and finish make the plane unreached. Due to it's impressive size the CARF MiG-15 the flying characteristics are unreached. We don't believe that there is any other "Golden Age" jet on the market which has this kind of scale appearance in the air. The best thing is that this plane can be flown with any 17 lb (80 N) thrust turbine, and you would not feel the need for more. Still, you will fly half throttle most of the time. Length: 80.5" (2050 mm) Span: 75" (1900 mm) Wieght: 22 - 24 Lbs (11 - 12 kg) dry Turbine: 80 - 120 N For more information on this aircraft, please visit: www.carf-models.com Thanks for watching and please subscribe www.cozmiktoys.com rc, mig-15, fagot, jet, rc jet, carf, composite arf, turbine, r radio control, rc plane, skymaster, fej, graupner, bvm, fly eagle, plane, airplane, jetcat, kingtech, wren, cheetah, banana hobby, hobbyking, thunder tiger, xheli, rcx, hobby, toy, model, modellflug, modellbau, modelle, scale, micro turbine, gopro, go pro, rc car, rc truck, rc heli, rc boat, parkzone, park flyer, model plane, jet central, altecare, edf, fly, crash
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