
Mega Spy RC Helicopter With Camera

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Vloženo před by admin
550 Zobrazení
Want to watch your helicopter fly directly from the cockpit? Then you need to take a look at the GYRO Metal Mega Spy Copter Camera 3.5CH Electric RTF RC Helicopter! This awesome RC Helicopter is equipped with a Gyroscope as well as a Hi-Res Digital Video Camera! The camera is already built-in, right underneath the cockpit, so there is no need to worry where to mount the camera! The Mega Spy Copter also features the outstanding ability to hover steadily, as well as move forward, backward, up, down, clockwise and counter-clockwise. The built in Gyroscope makes it automatically stabilize allowing you to focus on flying instead of trying not to make it crash. The Mega Spy Copter is ready to fly right out of the box with a 7.4V rechargeable battery and a wall charger so all you need to get in the air is 6 AA batteries for the transmitter! This helicopter is ready to fly and ready to spy! So what are you waiting for? Get the GYRO Metal Mega Spy Copter Camera 3.5CH Electric RTF RC Helicopter today! www.hobbytron.com
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