Meet Christopher, the 6 Year Old RC Aviator to Watch! Tandem Flight at Ottawa Valley Jets Goes Down!

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This young pilot's name is Christopher ... when I was his age, I recall being at a stage of life wherein I was eating dry cat food on occasion and thumbing through Garfield comics. Seeing this young dude stepping up to the line and confidently flying not only a large scale prop plane in tandem with a wing-man ... but as I am changing the batteries in my drone I look over my shoulder to see Christopher flying a 200kph Avanti S EDF jet down the flight line and into a circuit! Upon letting him know how smooth I thought his performance was, he graciously gave me a smile and a nod.

Enjoy these highlight clips of him letting loose! Give a Like and Help me Contribute and Conserve the Best Hobby in the World!

Also, Christopher says to Subscribe or you aren't getting your paper next Tuesday! JK - Thanks for Watching!
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