
Marc Froehn, A-4 Skyhawk- Florida Jets 2009- Radio Controlled Turbine Jets

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1,112 Zobrazení
Florida Jets 2009- Radio Controlled Turbine Jets The best part of Florida Jets was simply the flying. For almost 4 days straight the skies were filled with jets ranging from Sport Jets to incredible scale jets to small electric jets. Read the full review/article loading with pictures here:www.rcuniverse.com www.rcuniverse.com -World's Largest Radio Control Community http /market -Buy, Sell, and Trade RC www.rcuniverse.com -Read Radio Control online reviews and articles www.rcuvideos.com - Watch Radio Contol Videos http -Discuss Electric Radio Control Aircraft
RC Stíhačky
Marc Froehn, A-4 Skyhawk, Radio control airplanes, rc cars, rc boats, rc helicopters, rc jets and rc trucks, electric flight, wattflyer, florida, jets

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