
Lynx RC Helicopter With Built In FPV System Outdoor Flight

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955 Zobrazení
Check out this cool single rotor fixed pitch 4 channel Lynx Scaled RC Helicopter equipped with Built in FPV system that sends live video directly to a Mini high resolution color LCD screen on its radio. This awesome concept has simply turned the FPV for beginners towards worry free flying and also improves their learning curve to learn to fly 4 channel RC Helicopters. As its true, flying a Helicopter through FPV system is lot easier than flying it by looking at it. Beginners can now not only easily learn to fly and master Flying RC Helicopters but at the same time they can enjoy the FPV (First person view) flights on helicopters that was previously impossible for them to afford due to expensive equipment and very complicated setup. These helicopters have a clear 100m FPV Range for the beginners to start learning with and enjoying the wonderful world of FPV. Not only are these helicopters very stable during flight but very durable too. Fixed Pitch Blades and Metal Main rotor head, offers great stability for both indoors and outdoor flights. Enjoy this Outdoor flight. Unboxing review coming next. We are working fast to make this helicopter available to purchase directly from us and from our site www.onlyflyingmachines.com Bookmark the site today. Comments and feedback welcome at alishanmao@gmail.com , info@onlyflyingmachines.com and alishanmaolife@gmail.com Don't forget to visit http , and Subscribe to www.youtube.com and www.youtube.com
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