
Joe Nall 2009 - Steve Thomas' LA-7

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1,099 Zobrazení
Joe Nall Giant Scale Fly-In 2009 What doyou get when you mix Woodstock with Disneyland and add airplanes? The answer can only be the giant scale fly-in known world-wide as "Joe Nall". This annual event takes place about 25 miles outside of Greenville South Carolina and is the end-all radio control event of the century! This year was RCUniverse's first time covering the event and our first day there was mind-blowing to say the least. Sure most of us have heard about it and saw some magazine coverage, but that still didn't prepare us for what we experienced on our first day there. This event is MASSIVE! Thank goodness we had the foresight to reserve a golf cart because anyone who plans on spending time at more than one of the FIVE flightlines will need one! Read the full review/article loading with pictures www.rcuniverse.com www.rcuniverse.com -World's Largest Radio Control Community http -Buy, Sell, and Trade RC www.rcuniverse.com -Read Radio Control online reviews and articles www.rcuvideos.com - Watch Radio Contol Videos http -Discuss Electric Radio Control Aircraft
RC Stíhačky
Fly-In, Giant Scale, Joe Nall, Radio control airplanes, rc cars, rc boats, rc helicopters, rc jets and rc trucks, electric flight, wattflyer, RCU Magazine, nitro

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