
HPI Trophy 3.5 RC Car Chase GoPro HD

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Vloženo před by hatecko23
1,117 Zobrazení
After the previous around the neighbours video with the ACME Trooper, there were several requests to do the same with a Nitro buggy. So upon request, here is the HPI Trophy 3.5 with GoPro HD Attached, doing car chase video with us. Clearly it's not as fast as the ACME Trooper but we managed to get to some fairly high top speeds. Coming up soon is R/C Speed test series where we'll be doing the same thing but testing the speed of different R/C. Thanks for Watching this Video by Jthornley12 Action. How to's. Reviews. Facebook: www.facebook.com Website: www.jthornley12.webs.com Twitter twitter.com How to Tutorial Channel: www.youtube.com Email: jt12rchelp@aol.co.uk MSN: jt12rchelp@aol.co.uk More Content coming soon, Subscribe now!
Off road
Around the neighbours, Nitro buggy chase, Speeds, Top speed, Testing speed, HD Videos, HD gopro footage, Chasing a RC Car, RC Car Chase, HPI Trophy 3.5, Chasing RC Cars, gopro HD, gopro on board, Jt12s RC Videos, gopro RC Car Chase, R/C Car Chasing, Chasing R/C Cars, Speed, Power, 1/8 nitro buggy, Nitro powered Buggy, Radio controlled, Remote controlled buggy

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