
HPI Baja 5B Flux RTR, Stock On A 1/8th Scale TRACK (raw, No Music)

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Vloženo před by admin
998 Zobrazení
See you at UltimateRC.com ! Hitting the 1/8th scale track with the HPI Baja 5B Flux brushless electric 1/5th scale 2WD desert buggy. This was all stock for the large-scaler other than an adjustment to preload. Running two 4S LiPos in series (8S total) as is standard for this car. This as at Nor Cal Hobbies in Union City, California, USA. Like URC on Facebook! facebook.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST! Numbered comments such as "First" and "2nd" and "under 300 views" are deleted on sight. Consider this a courtesy! The entire world deeply despises these pointless, wasted posts. If I don't delete them myself, they receive deeply vile responses from the viewing public, usually laced with profanity and deep-cutting personal insults. Avoid the e-smackdown. Don't "first." Ever. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Responses to Frequently Asked Questions: Q: When will you publish [some product]'s [unboxing/running/review] video? A: After [unboxing/running/reviewing] the [product]. Q: When will that be? A: When it is! Q: Do you have a video of/about ______? A: You can quickly check by visiting my main channel page youtube.com and entering a relevant keyword (fewer the better) in the channel search box. Don't use the big global YouTube search box that's atop every page everywhere, but the one for just my channel, a little further down. Q: Why don't you review [insert random product name here]? A...
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