
Extreme Flight Yak-54

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Vloženo před by admin
819 Zobrazení
The engine is a converted Echo 45cc chainsaw engine and the cause for the engine to shut down was forgettingt to fill the tank. Duh! My wife Oked me to get a new engine and so the Echo sits on a shelf downstairs and the Turnigy HP50 takes over. Beautiful Engine the Turnigy!!!!
RC Letadla
Extreme, Flight, 30cc, Yak-54, Airplane, Aircraft, Fixed, wing, Fixed-wing Aircraft, Plane, Flying, Helicopter, Aviation, Radio, Control, R/C, RC, Aerobatics, 3D, Propeller, DA-50, Turnigy, HP50, 50cc, Echo, Chain, Saw, Chainsaw

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